The Withee Public Library is proud to present a new program at our library that was made possible due to a generous grant from the IEEE SKPL (Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineering) Science Kits for Public Libraries. We now have over a dozen LEGO Kits available for checkout for any patron! The purpose of this program is to introduce young minds to the excitement of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) activities. This idea was inspired due to the popularity of one of our longest running programs: The LEGO Club! Now patrons can take home the excitement of the LEGO Club whenever they check out one of our LEGO kits! The LEGO kits age ranges go from toddlers to adults! Any kit under the recommended age range of 12 years old will require a parent’s signature during checkout. You may only check out one kit at a time for a week, with an additional one-week renewal available! Any LEGO Kit checked out from the Withee Library must be returned directly to the Withee Library, and not through the book drop The LEGO Kits will be available for checkout on Friday, December 6th, as soon as we open at 10 AM. This will also be the last LEGO Club for 2024. The LEGO Club will start at 3:30-4:45 P.M. Snacks and drinks will be provided to participants!!
Learning LEGO Express Is Ready For Checkouts At Withee Library!
by Brandon Hardin | Dec 5, 2024 | Home Page, Programs | 0 comments