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Candy Turkey Day Is Saturday, November 23rd!
Looking for something fun to do before Thanksgiving? Then swing by the Withee Library on Saturday, November 23rd and build yourself a variety of...
Thanksgiving Craft Kits Available At The Withee Library!
Each kit lets you build a Thanksgiving Turkey Wreath, a Cornucopia, the Pilgrim’s Ship: The Mayflower, a Thanksgiving celebration with Pilgrims and...
Green Bay Packers Raffle At The Withee Library!
Swing by the Withee Public Library and checkout our New Green Bay Packers Showcase! We have a variety of different prizes and merchandise displayed,...
Halloween Craft Kits Available At The Withee Library In October!
Each kit lets you build your own Halloween Pumpkin Wreath, a Wicked Witch, a Spider’s Web with Creepy Crawlers dangling from it, a Pinecone Spider,...
LEGO Club Returns To Withee Public Library!
After being gone all Summer, the LEGO Club returns to the Withee Public Library on Friday, September 6! It will be from 3:30-4:45 PM. Snacks and...
Welcome Back To School Craft Kits Available In September At Withee Library!
The new kits include a superhero bowling game, a welcome back to school collage, a healthy food pyramid and wreath, a Johnny Appleseed cap and...
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