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Build A Lucky Charm Day!!
Feel like you need a little extra luck for St. Patrick’s Day? Then swing by the Withee Library on Friday, March 14th and build yourself a lucky...
Mixed-March Craft Bags Available!
Each Craft Kit comes with a variety of fun projects! Make yourself into an Astronaut or build a rocket ship, build a variety of Artic Creatures, or...
LEGO Club is Friday, February 7th!
Runs from 3:30- 4:45PM! All participating patrons will receive drinks and snacks!! And don’t forget you can also check out a LEGO Kit from the...
Build-A-Valentine Day!!
On Friday, February 7th you can swing by the Withee Library and build a Valentine’s Day Card and Jewelry for someone you love! We will be open from...
Valentine Craft Kits Available At The Withee Library!
Each kit comes with a variety of projects like: a Valentine Wreath, Candy Cane Valentine Card, Heart Shaped Flower Bouquet, and so much more! It...
New Free Winter Kits At The Withee Library!
Each kit contains a Miniature Igloo with Winter figures who skate on the ice, A Snowman pulling a sleigh, a Garland of Winter Apparel, and so much...
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